What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual healing method founded on principles from anatomy, embryology, neurology and physiology. The unity of body and mind forms the basis.

Osteopathy is concerned with the mobility of the body, and in particular the mobility of three different systems in the body:

  • the parietal system: bones, joints and muscles
  • the visceral system: the organs (internal organs, blood vessels and lymphatic system)
  • craniosacral system: bones of the skull, brain and spinal cord membranes and fluid circulation

These systems are interconnected and continuously influence each other. When the balance between these systems is disturbed, physical or mental complaints can arise. This can happen, for example, as the result of an accident, a fall, an infection, a certain type of work or prolonged stress.

An osteopath works only with his or her hands and searches for disturbances in the mobility of the body. Sometimes the disturbance is located in a different place in the body from where the complaint occurs. The osteopath then ensures that the disturbance in mobility is resolved.

Every individual is unique

In osteopathy we look at the individual as a whole. An osteopath examines what you need as a person to be able to move freely and smoothly again. Once mobility is restored, your body’s self-healing capacity can do its job again and the complaint can disappear